Our Principles

12/22/2021 Tags: ourprincipals

We are looking to be different. To be different you have to be proactive on your priorities and principles. I'm going to certainly add to this over the years, but to start there are four big ones.

Player First

This is simple to understand.  If it isn't best for the player, help them understand what is best for them.  A program or coach that thinks they are the answer for every single athlete, really just isn't honest.  Area D1 level players belong with programs that have the connections and reputation to get those D1 schools to see the player.  Maybe one day we'll have that reputation, but right not it is really a very short list in OHIO much less for far east Cincinnati.

Relationship over money

I am big on building relationships.  If this means maintaining a relationship by pushing a player elsewhere, or even saying no to them instead of counting on that registration fee to pay the bills... then that is what it means.  If you need that money but the player really is a 'last off the bench' kind of player, then have that conversation BEFORE you take their money.  Many families and players would be fine with that and being up front with them, saves a long term relationship.

Truth over sales pitch

I coached nearly 40 young men this fall.  I think all of them and their families overall liked me as a coach.  In the fall, I can pull this off.  In the spring, not so much.  So when asked if I'm going to coach, I don't give a wishy/washy answer.  I say, most likely not.  I'll be around, but when you're playing a full AAU season it is hard to coach one team... much less 2 or more.  When a player could be on the team but not play much, say so.  Explain their role transparently.  I could go on and on about this, but my point is made.  Once you're dishonest with a person, you lose credibility.  

Transparency matters

Ohio Primetime will eventually be an official non-profit (takes time to make that happen), but even without that.. we will be transparent with where the money goes.  Releasing a financial statement each year on where we spent money. I (Clarence Klopfstein) am very much pro-capitalism.  I'm okay with people that make money off of youth sports for a living (for the most part... I do think some soccer and baseball programs are just a scam).  People that can 'do this for a living' more power to them, but that comes at a premium. Ohio Primetime is about the players, money collected will be used for them.  I've been blessed in life and this is one way to give back.